Invested. In our clients, performance, communities & people.
Sitting in the lobby of AEW’s Boston office is the front end of an Edsel. People, especially clients, often ask about why it is there. Peter Aldrich, one of AEW’s Founders, bought the 1950 relic and placed it in the lobby because he believed it was a great way to let visitors know it would be wise not to stereotype the AEW organization or the people within it. More importantly, though, the Edsel is there to illustrate the dangers of organizational hubris. The Ford Motor Company, one of America’s most successful organizations, did not listen to their customer when they designed it, and the car was considered a colossal failure. Having the Edsel in the lobby is a constant reminder for all of us to listen to our clients, and to always put them first.
Being our clients' most trusted and effective advisor has made AEW one of the largest real estate asset managers in the world. Since our inception, we have helped investors access real estate investment opportunities through a broad platform of separately managed accounts and open- and closed-end funds. Put our experience to work for you.
Pictured top: The Edsel in the North American office.
Pictured bottom, left to right: AEW Founders: Tom Eastman, Mark Waltch and Peter Aldrich.
Our People
Leadership with Deep Experience Across Market Cycles
Since 1981, AEW has navigated through many market cycles to provide disciplined, real estate investment solutions to the world's foremost institutional investors. Our research-based approach takes history into account as we use our deep experience to anticipate where future opportunities may emerge.
19 offices
40+ years experience
910 employees